Mystery Artist Calls Attention to Unfixed Potholes by Drawing Penises around Them

Saturday, May 02, 2015


Allie 5 years ago
Wow, really wouldn’t enjoy that at my school!
Macz Magsanay 7 years ago
It's a UK problem, not a US problem. Our tax money doesn't go toward their problem... if you can call it that. As one article on the issue points out, it's a cartoon type drawing, not a pornographic photograph. And it's actually gotten the potholes filled faster than if the drawing hadn't been done. Get over it, people! It's not the end of civilization as we know it... it's a freakin' drawing!
Sarina 7 years ago
The more I really listen (and HEAR) the childishness of our leaders in Washington...the more disgusted and also, sceptical of their intelligence. When a leader in the nation's capital is not as smart as I am, I really protest his holding of a political/powerful position! And this is very childish and offensive (do kids see the drawings?); and as the comment above states, I hope the taxpayer dollars are not being "used" for such purposes as "penises in holes"! See, nasty, isn't it?
Jan 7 years ago
I really needed a good belly laugh!! Thank you, Anonymous Artist, and I want to know if that worked to fix the potholes!!??
Nona Kyle 8 years ago
Why was the PENIS article included? Not funny. Not educational. Gross. And if it cost even one cent of taxpayer money--it was too much.
AshkaNaZion 8 years ago
Are these penises well drawn and non-threatening in appearance? If so, I applaud such efforts. Bravo.

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